Tuesday, November 14, 2006

i'm back!!

So I decided today that it is about time I return to the blogging world. I don't exactly know how frequent these entries will be, but who ever does, when inspiration comes it comes (whether that be in the form of a beautiful sunset or a candybar), and i decided that i want to have a blog again. Pretty much because I miss it. I miss the little online community we have. And plus, pretty much everyone i know is moving away so I figure it would be a good idea to maintain a blog to keep in touch. So I'm back, new blog, new template (which will probably change soon), and we're gonna try this again. haha. I find it funny that i quit blogging because i was becoming obsessed with it. who gets obsessed with blogging? seriously. anyways, just thought i'd throw in a post to start this off.

1 comment:

Staci said...

i am not obsessed with blogging but rather the opposite. I have situations that are funnier than all get out but I am afraid that people will not laugh like i originally attend. Jenn called it a hump and I have gotten over it.